
April 11, 2018

Walk A Mile! Maamawe

I am privileged to Walk A Mile!. This film project calls on Canadians to know the facts, historical information and personal stories of real-life challenges facing many Aboriginals across Canada. Five powerful short films, each raising tough conversations to break stereotypes for marginalized communities.
April 10, 2018

Mirror Mirror

Mirror mirror on the wall, Who is the happiest of us all? We all wait for miracles, some from outside, others reflected from within. But truly where do our answers lie?
December 24, 2017

Blog Post: Brockton Writers Series

Anubha Mehta presented at Brockton Writers Series on Wednesday, September 11 at Glad Day Bookshop, 499 Church Street, Toronto, starting at 6:30 pm (PWYC) Read the full blog post.
September 12, 2017

How It All Started

So, I had written my masterpiece. And it had changed my life. But now what? Where do I go next? Shall I send it for review and who shall I contact? Starting out as a debut writer would it be best to follow your instinct on what makes sense to you ? ....
January 21, 2017

Why Tell-Tale ?

Welcome to Tell - Tale !

Everyone has a tale to tell. And each tale has a message. The purpose of this blog is to share real-life tales in an attempt to surprise and tease you, to make you laugh and cry with them. Each post will tell a tale of ordinary people living extraordinary lives and exceptional people living lives that most of us can relate to, no matter how diverse our backgrounds may be. At the end of each post, there are Questions to Ponder and a comment box waiting for your feedback.