Writing Peacock in the Snow saved me- through it I found the resilience to cope and come to terms with my imperfections and the imperfections of the world around me.
A year later, nothing has changed. I still have this insatiable need to write to make sense of the world and its happenings.
The Heliconian Salon Literature Salon asked me to present on Passage, Peril, and Passion – my journey across the globe, as it was reflected in my book, the perils I faced, and the passion with which I built a new life.
However, I also chose to speak about the other 3 P’s that have underlined much of my writing across perspectives of the east and the west- Power, privilege, and patriarchy.
What a warm welcome I received from Toronto’s pioneer association founded 111 years ago to give women in the arts and letters an opportunity to meet intellectually and respond to changes in contemporary life.
A special shout out to Christine Arthurs and Ben McNally Books, who came specially to make ‘ Peacock in the Snow’ available to all.
When a younger version of me moved to Canada more than two decades ago in the spirit of adventure and independence, leaving a safe, privileged, and subjugated life, I had no idea about the hardships and bounty that this newly adopted country offered. What I discovered in Canada, has guided me through those dark and happy days, the pain and the elation, the discoveries and the magic- this coalescence has all been reflected in my novel through the eyes of a young girl, the protagonist Maya. And of course, the story could not be completed without a bit of drama, a bit of the razzmatazz of parties and weddings of the east, a haunted mansion, family secrets, murder, therapeutic western landscapes, romance, quest, adversity, and diverse characters….
I am asked one question everywhere I go, ‘is this your story?’. And to that, I say, not necessarily, but the filter is mine. But surprisingly, I hear back from many who have not had similar journeys that they found themselves as well as lost themselves in the pages.
What more can a writer ask for?
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